About Me

January 22, 2016

Winter Roads.

 Driving home the other day, I was able to
capture a few shots of our subdivision lane.

So pretty with all the frosty trees and grey sky.

The big field where the neighbors welcome us
with a community BBQ and bonfire last summer.

No deer that day but they often walk thru these trees.

Turning down our little lane. You can just see our roof 
peeking out. When it's not frosty, you can see it all.

Rounding the bend to our driveway, up to the house.

Home, frosty landscape and all!

What does your drive home look like?
Is your world white tonight?


Penny said...

What amazing photographs! We have a short driveway off a quiet road. It's one of the main roads in our village, but isn't a through road, so we don't get much traffic. X

Chy said...

Not much traffic down these little country roads at all. It's taken a while to get used too but we love the quiet drive now!